Members of parliament have called for dialogue with the arrested street vendors before offering them support.

Members of parliament have called for dialogue with the arrested street vendors before offering them support.

Members of the legislative assembly have urged for discussion with street vendors caught ready-handed for street vending before any support is offered to them and allocating them to various markets stressing that it would help reduce the number of illegal businesses, however, other people expressed concern that unless this measure is taken and implemented, street vendors will resume illegal business.



This was discussed as Rwanda was preparing for hosting international meeting on the development of small businesses and street vending.

It’s been a while since the city of Kigali authorities started fighting against illegal business as markets have been constructed in various parts of the city to accommodate those who were initially involved in street vending.

Some former street vendors have expressed that relocating to markets is good, however, there are others who resume illegal business for various reasons.

In an interview with ISANGO STAR, one of the street vendors said The premise is not expensive but money is rather scarce”.

 Although people who do this business say this, members of the legislative assembly and members of parliament say that before giving them capital and market premises, there should be a discussion with one by one in order to know their particular challenges because they might be the main reasons for engaging in illegal business.

What is  clear is that  if you show someone how  to work, she can  work, in fact, they  should expand the  market so that even others would join after  being registered .”That is why street vendors go back to the street because they have small capital, they fail to raise money to feed their children, therefore they go back to the street.”

“We have  another challenge, they  enjoyed street vending however much  money you can  give  them, they would never be contented, in fact, I think they don’t  settle  down !”

Member of Parliament Mutesi Anita said “Regarding taking out women from who streets vending, small markets are built for them in various places, what has impressed us is that they have been given capital to start a business, but eventually, we realize that they also need help for mental health as they still have mental related issues which forced them to go for street vending. We feel it should be done more effectively, look for partners and they should be accompanied not just giving them capital ”.

 Berline UWINEZA, member of parliament also said: “Progress has been made, women have to work from markets, those who are still involved in street vending don’t benefit, some of them have accepted to work from markets but there are still others who do sell their products in front of the market, so those who are in the market don’t make a profit, this forces them to resume street vending.”.

Professor BayisengeJeannette, minister of gender and family promotion reiterated that this is also the case in major markets in KIGALI city and the majority of them are women”.

”.Regarding INkudamahoromarket, there are other places experiencing the same issue, some women have been taken to markets while others carry on with street vending, more efforts are needed to pull out women who run with their baskets on streets because it’s not safe for them, we will keep working jointly with the city of Kigali authorities and other partners who help us so that women get safe premises as their security is not guaranteed while running on the street with baskets, we need to keep working with various administrative organs to expand their working premises, such small markets should be constructed so that they stop street vending ”.

From 1st to 6th May, this year, Rwanda will host an international conference on development of small businesses including street vending, the meeting will bring together more than 150  people including representatives of various business associations, labour rights protection, and others.

The main purpose of this meeting is to discuss about protection of workers’ rights and the challenges they face including issues small businessmen encounter and the effects of climate change.


Writed by BERWA GAKUBA Prudence, Translation:  GAKUBA FELIX  ABDULJABAR




Members of parliament have called for dialogue with the arrested street vendors before offering them support.

Members of parliament have called for dialogue with the arrested street vendors before offering them support.

 Apr 30, 2023 - 20:51

Members of the legislative assembly have urged for discussion with street vendors caught ready-handed for street vending before any support is offered to them and allocating them to various markets stressing that it would help reduce the number of illegal businesses, however, other people expressed concern that unless this measure is taken and implemented, street vendors will resume illegal business.


This was discussed as Rwanda was preparing for hosting international meeting on the development of small businesses and street vending.

It’s been a while since the city of Kigali authorities started fighting against illegal business as markets have been constructed in various parts of the city to accommodate those who were initially involved in street vending.

Some former street vendors have expressed that relocating to markets is good, however, there are others who resume illegal business for various reasons.

In an interview with ISANGO STAR, one of the street vendors said The premise is not expensive but money is rather scarce”.

 Although people who do this business say this, members of the legislative assembly and members of parliament say that before giving them capital and market premises, there should be a discussion with one by one in order to know their particular challenges because they might be the main reasons for engaging in illegal business.

What is  clear is that  if you show someone how  to work, she can  work, in fact, they  should expand the  market so that even others would join after  being registered .”That is why street vendors go back to the street because they have small capital, they fail to raise money to feed their children, therefore they go back to the street.”

“We have  another challenge, they  enjoyed street vending however much  money you can  give  them, they would never be contented, in fact, I think they don’t  settle  down !”

Member of Parliament Mutesi Anita said “Regarding taking out women from who streets vending, small markets are built for them in various places, what has impressed us is that they have been given capital to start a business, but eventually, we realize that they also need help for mental health as they still have mental related issues which forced them to go for street vending. We feel it should be done more effectively, look for partners and they should be accompanied not just giving them capital ”.

 Berline UWINEZA, member of parliament also said: “Progress has been made, women have to work from markets, those who are still involved in street vending don’t benefit, some of them have accepted to work from markets but there are still others who do sell their products in front of the market, so those who are in the market don’t make a profit, this forces them to resume street vending.”.

Professor BayisengeJeannette, minister of gender and family promotion reiterated that this is also the case in major markets in KIGALI city and the majority of them are women”.

”.Regarding INkudamahoromarket, there are other places experiencing the same issue, some women have been taken to markets while others carry on with street vending, more efforts are needed to pull out women who run with their baskets on streets because it’s not safe for them, we will keep working jointly with the city of Kigali authorities and other partners who help us so that women get safe premises as their security is not guaranteed while running on the street with baskets, we need to keep working with various administrative organs to expand their working premises, such small markets should be constructed so that they stop street vending ”.

From 1st to 6th May, this year, Rwanda will host an international conference on development of small businesses including street vending, the meeting will bring together more than 150  people including representatives of various business associations, labour rights protection, and others.

The main purpose of this meeting is to discuss about protection of workers’ rights and the challenges they face including issues small businessmen encounter and the effects of climate change.


Writed by BERWA GAKUBA Prudence, Translation:  GAKUBA FELIX  ABDULJABAR

