Women in various agricultural sectors do not understand the importance of registering their products.

Women in various agricultural sectors do not understand the importance of registering their products.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock has expressed concerns that there are obstacles in the registration of products in order to obtain protection, exporting them while women working in these sectors from the region revealed that they don’t understand the process and request governments to organize more workshops.



The three-day seminar was attended by women from 45 countries across Africa and other continents working in the agricultural sector, and exporting products abroad.

Speaking on behalf of Rwanda, Dr. KAMANA Olivier the permanent secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock said that many in this sector do not know the importance of registering their products.

He said, "There are still obstacles, some people do not know that it is possible to register their products, those who register their products export them abroad and we want others working from  Rwanda markets to register their products too, this will help women to progress and even make their products protected and be known worldwide".  

It is not only in Rwanda where there are such obstacles, participants from other countries who attended the meeting pointed out that there are many who do not understand the importance of registering their products hence, they request government to keep monitoring and equip women with knowledge in this sector to progress, said Muhoracyeye Gloriose and Natukunda Annety.

Muharacyeye from  Burundi said," The challenge we have is that many of us are from various African countries but those who have registered their activities are only 14%".

Natukunda Annety further said, "I think we need to have a common understanding and gather resources and work together, we should be able to know the capital but also call upon governments to support women through seminars like this so that they know the rights they have in registering personal property".

This forum was organized with the aim to encourage farmers to register their agricultural products in order to improve the level of agriculture in Africa and farmers in general.

Story by Assiat MUKOBWAJANA, translated by  GAKUBA  FELIX  ABDULJABAR.



Women in various agricultural sectors do not understand the importance of registering their products.

Women in various agricultural sectors do not understand the importance of registering their products.

 May 19, 2023 - 08:50

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock has expressed concerns that there are obstacles in the registration of products in order to obtain protection, exporting them while women working in these sectors from the region revealed that they don’t understand the process and request governments to organize more workshops.


The three-day seminar was attended by women from 45 countries across Africa and other continents working in the agricultural sector, and exporting products abroad.

Speaking on behalf of Rwanda, Dr. KAMANA Olivier the permanent secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock said that many in this sector do not know the importance of registering their products.

He said, "There are still obstacles, some people do not know that it is possible to register their products, those who register their products export them abroad and we want others working from  Rwanda markets to register their products too, this will help women to progress and even make their products protected and be known worldwide".  

It is not only in Rwanda where there are such obstacles, participants from other countries who attended the meeting pointed out that there are many who do not understand the importance of registering their products hence, they request government to keep monitoring and equip women with knowledge in this sector to progress, said Muhoracyeye Gloriose and Natukunda Annety.

Muharacyeye from  Burundi said," The challenge we have is that many of us are from various African countries but those who have registered their activities are only 14%".

Natukunda Annety further said, "I think we need to have a common understanding and gather resources and work together, we should be able to know the capital but also call upon governments to support women through seminars like this so that they know the rights they have in registering personal property".

This forum was organized with the aim to encourage farmers to register their agricultural products in order to improve the level of agriculture in Africa and farmers in general.

Story by Assiat MUKOBWAJANA, translated by  GAKUBA  FELIX  ABDULJABAR.
