The embassy of Senegal to Rwanda paid tribute to Captain Mbaye Diagne who saved tutsi during the genocide.

The embassy of Senegal to Rwanda paid tribute to Captain Mbaye Diagne who saved tutsi during the genocide.

Senegal embassy in Rwanda paid tribute to Captain Mbaye Digne ,the Senegalese soldier who saved lives of tutsi during genocide. He died on 31st May 1994 while on peacekeeping mission, the commemoration event was organized this Wednesday.



Captain Mbaye was among Senegalese soldiers in the UNAMIR peacekeeping
mission, he was born on 18th March 1958 and died on 31st May 1994 aged 36. He
was killed by a landmine next to his car.
He is considered a hero for his outstanding role in saving Tutsi during 1994 genocide
as Odette Nyiramirimo, one of the survivors testified.
She said " It was on 3rd March when we got to know him as we were evacuated by
UNAMIR soldiers, after bypassing PEAGE, there was a very dangerous roadblock
but Captain Mbaye Digne immediately came out and said, don’t touch anyone, you
will kill them over my dead body&quot. 

Clarisse Munezero, the permanent secretary in the Ministry of national unity and
civic engagement (MINUBUMWE) said that the government of Rwanda joined
Senegal in commemorating Captain Mbaye Digne, stressed that had many people
boycotted perpetrators of genocide, it would have been stopped.

She said " We consider commemorating Captain Mbaye Digne as an act of courage
because he was one among few who showed courage during genocide against the
Tutsi to save lives of those who were targeted. When we gather here, we join
Senegal in paying tribute not only to him but commemorating genocide particularly
by showing that if we had many courageous people, genocide would have been

In 2010 when Rwanda was celebrating liberation day, Captain Mbaye Digne
was awarded the ceremonial guard medal which is a recognition to people with

heroic acts and humanity for saving people during the genocide, President Paul
Kagame awarded the medal to his wife and his children.
This award followed another one by the UN in 2014 in recognition of his role in
saving the Tutsi.

Story by BERWA GAKUBA Prudence/translated by GAKUBA FELIX



The embassy of Senegal to Rwanda paid tribute to Captain Mbaye Diagne who saved tutsi during the genocide.

The embassy of Senegal to Rwanda paid tribute to Captain Mbaye Diagne who saved tutsi during the genocide.

 Jun 2, 2023 - 08:27

Senegal embassy in Rwanda paid tribute to Captain Mbaye Digne ,the Senegalese soldier who saved lives of tutsi during genocide. He died on 31st May 1994 while on peacekeeping mission, the commemoration event was organized this Wednesday.


Captain Mbaye was among Senegalese soldiers in the UNAMIR peacekeeping
mission, he was born on 18th March 1958 and died on 31st May 1994 aged 36. He
was killed by a landmine next to his car.
He is considered a hero for his outstanding role in saving Tutsi during 1994 genocide
as Odette Nyiramirimo, one of the survivors testified.
She said " It was on 3rd March when we got to know him as we were evacuated by
UNAMIR soldiers, after bypassing PEAGE, there was a very dangerous roadblock
but Captain Mbaye Digne immediately came out and said, don’t touch anyone, you
will kill them over my dead body&quot. 

Clarisse Munezero, the permanent secretary in the Ministry of national unity and
civic engagement (MINUBUMWE) said that the government of Rwanda joined
Senegal in commemorating Captain Mbaye Digne, stressed that had many people
boycotted perpetrators of genocide, it would have been stopped.

She said " We consider commemorating Captain Mbaye Digne as an act of courage
because he was one among few who showed courage during genocide against the
Tutsi to save lives of those who were targeted. When we gather here, we join
Senegal in paying tribute not only to him but commemorating genocide particularly
by showing that if we had many courageous people, genocide would have been

In 2010 when Rwanda was celebrating liberation day, Captain Mbaye Digne
was awarded the ceremonial guard medal which is a recognition to people with

heroic acts and humanity for saving people during the genocide, President Paul
Kagame awarded the medal to his wife and his children.
This award followed another one by the UN in 2014 in recognition of his role in
saving the Tutsi.

Story by BERWA GAKUBA Prudence/translated by GAKUBA FELIX
