Cells executive secretaries are expected to receive salary increment. 

Cells executive secretaries are expected to receive salary increment. 

In the Rwandan Parliament, the Senate's Political and Governance Committee states that insufficient accountability, low salaries and a shortage of staff at local level are some of the obstacles to solving public problems.



In their recent tour all over the country with the aim of finding how national political institutions are decentralized and people’s issues are solved, members of senate political governance commission reiterated that there are many problems that are not solved appropriately and in most cases this happens as a result of lack of knowledge for the responsibilities assigned, little resources and shortage of personnel especially at the cells level.

Honourable Dushimimana Lambert,president of the commission said" if you don’t build the capacity by training them ,you realize that the cells need workers to improve their capacity ".Responding to the senator’s questions ,the permanent secretary in the ministry of local government said that there are some who have started searching for jobs in teaching profession ,however something is being done to solve this issue .

We had said that we should have three staffs but that should be done in three stages ,we said to ourselves that we should start with the two to be well paid, the cells executive who earns 60.000frw or 70.000frw monthly salary, many of them have gone for teaching ,that is also an issue ,for those who have been able to go to school always seek for job interviews ,they would say that they have gone for meetings while they have been contesting for jobs somewhere else ,she further said.

On the other side, in March this year, during administrative retreat which brought together cells executive secretaries ,speaking at the occasion his excellency Paul KAGAME reminded them that their request for increasing the number of workers at the cell level and salary increment should go hand in hand with performing well their duties. 

He said" you want the number of staff at the cell level to be increased, well it’s ok, in our capacity we do it when we are able to do it, but increasing the number of staff to do what? Well, its fine, increasing the salary should march performing well the duties and should also be assessed".

So far, there are 2148 cells in Rwanda, each cell has two administrative authorities yet they are not available for solving the population issues on the ground that they have gone for other duties and this worsens the situation as people keep moving here and there for their problems to be solved but their efforts end in vain.

Story by Gabriel IMANIRIHO, Edited by Gisubizo Philemon /translated by GAKUBA Felix Abdul-Jabar



Cells executive secretaries are expected to receive salary increment. 

Cells executive secretaries are expected to receive salary increment. 

 Jul 25, 2023 - 13:20

In the Rwandan Parliament, the Senate's Political and Governance Committee states that insufficient accountability, low salaries and a shortage of staff at local level are some of the obstacles to solving public problems.


In their recent tour all over the country with the aim of finding how national political institutions are decentralized and people’s issues are solved, members of senate political governance commission reiterated that there are many problems that are not solved appropriately and in most cases this happens as a result of lack of knowledge for the responsibilities assigned, little resources and shortage of personnel especially at the cells level.

Honourable Dushimimana Lambert,president of the commission said" if you don’t build the capacity by training them ,you realize that the cells need workers to improve their capacity ".Responding to the senator’s questions ,the permanent secretary in the ministry of local government said that there are some who have started searching for jobs in teaching profession ,however something is being done to solve this issue .

We had said that we should have three staffs but that should be done in three stages ,we said to ourselves that we should start with the two to be well paid, the cells executive who earns 60.000frw or 70.000frw monthly salary, many of them have gone for teaching ,that is also an issue ,for those who have been able to go to school always seek for job interviews ,they would say that they have gone for meetings while they have been contesting for jobs somewhere else ,she further said.

On the other side, in March this year, during administrative retreat which brought together cells executive secretaries ,speaking at the occasion his excellency Paul KAGAME reminded them that their request for increasing the number of workers at the cell level and salary increment should go hand in hand with performing well their duties. 

He said" you want the number of staff at the cell level to be increased, well it’s ok, in our capacity we do it when we are able to do it, but increasing the number of staff to do what? Well, its fine, increasing the salary should march performing well the duties and should also be assessed".

So far, there are 2148 cells in Rwanda, each cell has two administrative authorities yet they are not available for solving the population issues on the ground that they have gone for other duties and this worsens the situation as people keep moving here and there for their problems to be solved but their efforts end in vain.

Story by Gabriel IMANIRIHO, Edited by Gisubizo Philemon /translated by GAKUBA Felix Abdul-Jabar
